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* Costs for competitor products are estimated based on publicaly available information.

Note: We have made every effort for the accuracy of the information provided on our website. However, any information provided on our website does not constitute any sort of advice and therefore should not be relied upon - and so welcome you to conduct your own research in respect of the claims we make and base your decisions on your research. We do not take any responsibility of any kind for the authenticity of this information or for anyone using this information in anyway.


What makes Clenso superior compared to every other product on the market?

Water Softeners

Water softeners are very effective at preventing the build-up of limescale and so extending the lifespan of plumbing and appliances. This is achieved by replacing the calcium (and other cations) in the hard water with sodium. However, there are significant other compromises that need to be considered. 


Drawbacks vs Clenso: 

  • No health benefits

  • Negative health impact as:

    • Users consume even more sodium which is already too high in our modern day diets - based on various researches (e.g. the average consumer takes in more than double the daily recommended amount of sodium in some developed countries). High sodium intake is associated with many problems including increased risk of cognitive decline, kidney dieseases and kidney stones, hypertension, high blood pressure increasing chances of heart attacks and strokes, bone thinning, stomach ulcers, weight gain and so on. 

    • A World Health Organisation report suggests hard water is actually beneficial for health and has shown a correlation with reducing heart attacks. But water softeners remove the water hardness, stripping it off the natural occuring, beneficial ingredients. 

  • Requires replacing salt every 8 to 12 weeks (tedious process rather than simply replacing a Clenso Lemon Bottle)

  • Harmful for environment as wastes a significant amount of water- an estimateed 7300 litres (1600 gallons) of water wasted annually for a family of 4 

  • Very expensive as:

    • Water softeners start from £250 with a good quality system costing £500 - £2,000 

    • Plumber initial setup charges of £65 to £400 (depending on how complicated the system is)

    • Requires regular, often monthly maintenance. Includes service from engineer, motor, parts & repairs

  • Requires more space due to large sizes and requires electrical connection

  • Often loud and noisy

Ceramet based water filters

Ceramet based water filters claim health benefits and water filtration ALONG WITH water softening capabilities (i.e. to stop the build-up of limescale). We ONLY tested the product for effectiveness at removing limescale.


Drawbacks vs Clenso: 

  • Virtually no effect on limescale build up in our water softening tests (after testing for upto 2 years) 

  • Expensive initial costs with often this cost being re-incurred every 2-3 years

Osmosis filters

Osmosis filters (with or without reverse osmosis) is an expensive system that removes limescale build up but also removes ALL the natural minerals from water. However a process of reverse osmosis can be included to add back some of these health beneficial minerals, artifically. 


Drawbacks vs Clenso: 

  • An unnatural process with limited research into its effects on health

  • Requires significant regular maintenance (often weekly) 

  • An extremely complicated system to use 

  • Wastes a significant amount of water so harmful for environment - estimated to waste anywhere from 18 litres (4 gallons) to 91 litres (20 gallons) of water for every 4.5 litre (1 gallon) of water it treats 

  • Very expensive 

  • Requires more space due to its large size 

  • Requires electrical connection 

Magnetic and Electronic devices


Magnetic and electronic devices claiming to remove limescale are relatively new systems that use electricity or magnetic fields to change the chemistry of ions within water. 


Drawbacks vs Clenso: 

  • No health benefits

  • Unaware of long term negative impact on health 

  • Often ineffective at preventing limescale build-up 

  • Can be expensive due initial costs of up to £500

is the best

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